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Komie and Associates

Illinois Federal Wire Fraud Lawyers

Chicago, IL federal wire fraud charges defense lawyer

Experienced Federal Wire Fraud Attorney Defending Clients Throughout Illinois and the United States

While being charged with any crime can have serious ramifications, penalties for convictions on federal charges are typically harsher than state crime convictions. For example, computer crimes and mortgage fraud convictions in federal courts can result in more severe penalties than convictions by state prosecutors.

One of the most serious of these charges is federal wire fraud. It is also one of the most frequently charged federal crimes. Over the past few years, the United States Department of Justice has ramped up the number of federal wire fraud arrests, reaching record numbers of prosecutions.

This is why it is important to have a criminal defense lawyer with experience in the federal criminal justice system fighting for you. At Komie and Associates, our defense lawyers have decades of experience defending clients in both the federal and state criminal justice systems. We have the skills and knowledge needed to successfully navigate the complex federal court system to obtain the best outcome based on the circumstances of your case.

What Is Federal Wire Fraud?

There are a number of different offenses that are classified as fraud, but they generally involve misrepresentation in order to obtain money or property from someone else. When a person is accused of using electronic communication to commit fraud, this is considered wire fraud, which may be a federal offense if people in multiple states were affected or if communications or other forms of information were sent using computer systems or networks in multiple states or countries.

The advent of the Internet has created many ways for people to commit wire fraud. In the past, these schemes generally involved the use of telephones to prey on victims. However, the Internet provides nearly unlimited access to potential targets, and many fraud schemes now mostly take place online through email, social media, and other forms of communication.

If the fraud is perpetuated over state or international borders, it becomes a federal crime. The federal law enforcement agencies that oversee wire fraud crimes include the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Secret Service.

Penalties for Federal Wire Fraud Convictions

A conviction on federal wire fraud charges can carry a sentence of up to 20 years in federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines. If the fraud allegedly involved a federal financial institution or a presidentially declared disaster, a conviction means may lead to up to 30 years in federal prison and up to $1 million in fines. Those who are convicted of federal wire fraud may also be ordered to pay restitution.

If there are multiple federal wire fraud charges, each one is counted separately, and each conviction carries a separate penalty. For example, if a person is convicted of three counts of federal wire fraud, that person could receive up to 20 years in prison for each count, for a total of 60 years.

Elements Needed to Prove Federal Wire Fraud

A federal wire fraud charge does not necessarily mean that a person will be convicted. The federal wire fraud lawyers at Komie and Associates have successfully defended many clients who were facing decades in federal prison. We have the skill and legal knowledge to find the potential holes in the prosecution's case against you.

In order to prove a person's guilt in a federal wire fraud case, specific elements must be proven by the government. These vary slightly depending on the facts of a case, but generally, the government must prove that the accused:

  • Knowingly and voluntarily participated in a scheme to commit fraud
  • Did so with the intent to defraud someone
  • Did so using wire communications

The government must prove each element of a federal wire fraud case beyond a reasonable doubt. An experienced attorney will develop a defense that addresses the particular elements of the alleged crime while also addressing any concerns specific to the venue where the case is being heard.

Contact Our Illinois Federal Wire Fraud Lawyers for Legal Assistance

If you are being investigated for federal wire fraud, do not delay in contacting Komie and Associates. The sooner we can begin a defense strategy for your case, the better your chances are of fighting these charges. Contact us at 312-263-2800 to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our federal wire fraud defense attorneys. We can assist clients in Chicago, other parts of the state of Illinois, or elsewhere in the United States.

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