Presidential Commendation Presentation

President Orsey: One of the privileges of the President is the ability to recognize noteworthy service and contributions to the Association through presentation of an ISBA Presidential Commendation.
I cannot fail to acknowledge the very unique and special service of one of our own. This member joined the ISBA in 1976. This member chose to afford the Association the benefit of his commitment to the profession by aspiring to serve on the Board of Governors. He was successful in that aspiration. Indeed, some would say he was an over achiever. He has been elected to seven terms on the Board of Governors for a total of 19 years of service {so far ... as he is completing that seventh term}. During his service on the Board, he has been a tireless advocate for solo and small firm lawyers. He championed before the Assembly the adoption of the Attorney's Bill of Rights with respect to the ARDC. He lead the Association's celebration of the Rule of Law and the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. There are numerous other examples of his dedication to the practicing bar. He holds the record for the longest serving Board member in the history of the Association. I respectfully refer to him as the dean of ISBA Board members. And, he has served 34 years on the Assembly.
So, it is with real pleasure that I ask you to join me in congratulating Stephen M. Komie, as I formally recognize his superlative service with an ISBA Presidential Commendation. Stephen, would you like to say a few words?
Stephen Komie: Thank you, Mr. President. I am humbled to receive this Commendation and I am at a loss of words expressing my gratitude to you and the Illinois State Bar Association.
Thank you again for all you have done for the profession and the Association!